Obtain an IRS Tax ID number for the estate
In order to pay the bills and debts of the deceased and collect money from the sale of the deceased’s assets, it will be necessary to open an Estate bank account temporarily.
Before the Estate can open a bank account, it will need to have a tax identification number, which is known as an employer identification number (EIN).
It’s also necessary to obtain a tax identification number because the Executor will need to file tax returns on behalf of the deceased and the Estate.
The Executor will not be able to use the deceased’s social security number on behalf of the Estate, rather, the Estate will need to have its own tax identification number.
The Executor should apply for a tax identification number using the IRS’s online EIN portal or Form SS-4.
After you have obtained an EIN, record it somewhere safe and secure as there is no IRS tax id lookup system.
If you do not know where or how to find your IRS tax id number after obtaining it, you will have to call the IRS to ask for their assistance.
Read More
To learn more about submitting taxes for the deceased, review the sections, “Submit Tax Return” and “Submit Estate Tax Return.”
Providers to Contact
Probate Attorneys Near You
Probate attorneys help settle a deceased person’s estate. They can help you obtain a tax id number for the estate and ensure you are complying with all IRS regulations.
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