File a petition to close the estate

After all assets have been given to the deceased’s heirs and beneficiaries, and the executor or administrator has filed receipts of distribution with the probate court, one final document - a discharge petition - needs to be submitted before the estate can be officially closed.

The discharge petition is also known as the petition of final discharge, petition to close estate, or ex parte for final discharge and order.

However, the terms for these documents vary by state.

Once approved, the executor should receive a document referred to as the “Judgment of Final Distribution” or “Decree of Final Distribution.”

A petition for discharge is one of the final steps of probate and concludes the executor's duties for administering an estate.

Guides_Icon.svgFor more information on the legal Probate process, see the “Start Probate Process” of the Guide.

Guides_Icon.svgFor more information on the legal Probate process, see the “Get Probate Authorized in Court.”


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