Organize event accessories

Depending on the wishes of family members, additional event accessories might be required. Examples of event accessories include:

  • Flowers
  • Musicians/music services
  • Photos or picture frames
  • Projectors/screens
  • Digital picture frames for slideshows
  • Candles or other lights
  • Personal items belonging to the deceased
  • Audio/visual technology

Discuss with family members what event accessories you would like for the memorial.

Hiring support staff to set up the memorial space can help to ensure the space looks the way you intended.

Personal Considerations

Will event accessories be set up at the memorial?

Plan for their delivery to and transportation from the event.

Make sure the space is equipped to handle what you want to bring.

Confirm the venue rules about what you can and can’t set up in that location.

Ask for details about the space, outlet availability, and sound/lighting capability.

You can proceed to the other considerations when planning a memorial service.

If event accessories will be set up at the memorial:

Plan for their delivery to and transportation from the event.

Make sure the space is equipped to handle what you want to bring.

Confirm the venue rules about what you can and can’t set up in that location.

Ask for details about the space, outlet availability, and sound/lighting capability.

If event accessories will not be set up at the memorial:

You can proceed to the other considerations when planning a memorial service.
