Identify someone who will make decisions in the event of your incapacitation or death

In the event that you become incapacitated (unable to speak for yourself or make decisions for yourself), you’ll need to appoint someone to manage your affairs. This is done using a power of attorney document.

Likewise, you’ll need to appoint someone to manage your affairs after you pass away, known as your executor.

Most people choose to name a spouse or family member. Be aware that it’s worth discussing this appointment with the intended person since they are not obligated to accept the role. Appointing more than one person can lead to potential conflicts.

When choosing this person, consider the following:

  • Do you trust this person to carry out your wishes?
  • Does this person know where any important paperwork can be found?
  • Have you appointed a backup person in the event this individual passes away before you need them?
  • Is this person mature, respectful, and good at communicating with others in tense situations?

Providers to Contact

Estate Attorneys Near You

Estate planning attorneys can help you plan for your incapacity or death. They can also draft estate planning documents that empower someone to make decisions on your behalf.

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